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My Journey To A Healthy Me

Hello! I started this blog to document my personal journey to get healthy. Over time, it evolved into sharing what I did, with others. The p...

Showing posts with label Lifelong Transformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifelong Transformation. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Six Months!

It's been SIX MONTHS since I made a decision to take control of my health. October 11, 2020 was the day before I started on this program. I was nervous and scared, but also so so so tired of feeling like crap. I had zero expectations, and I was positive it wouldn't work for me, but I also told myself I was giving it 100%, so that when I didn't have any results and still felt like crap in two weeks, it was because the program didn't work, not because I didn't follow it properly. <Yeah, read that again - I know how twisted that sounds.>

I actually wrote down "I am going to put 100% into this program. I need it for myself" and "I want to feel healthy. I want my kids to have a good example. I want my boyfriend to be proud of me. I want to fit into my clothes again. I want to travel."

Those are all superficial reasons - but they were all I had at the time. I didn't know how much my life would change from this program. I didn't know that in 4.5 months, I'd lose SIXTY POUNDS and keep it off. I didn't know I'd build healthy habits that will last me the rest of my life. I didn't know that my body would finally balance out, my inflammation would go away, my digestive issues would be nearly completely resolved, I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted again (in moderation), and I'd feel friggin amazing with more energy than I've had in years. I didn't know that I'd be sleeping better, and that making myself a priority is not at all a selfish thing to do, and that taking care of myself feels pretty darn amazing. 

I took that picture on the left on October 12, 2020. I was absolutely certain it wasn't ever going to be seen or shown anywhere and I was going to delete it (but I didn't, because I needed some sort of visual to see if I made any progress). You can see the defeat on my face. The picture on the right is from this month - April 2021. I can't even put into words the difference in my outlook and demeanor. I feel alive again. I have hope - maybe for the first time in my entire adult life. I HAVE HOPE FOR MY FUTURE.

It took me three days to know this program was different. 

It took me three weeks to know I had to share it with others, because keeping it to myself was not ok. 

I changed my life in a matter of weeks. After struggling for YEARS to make a difference, I found my health on this program. And I want that for everyone I know. I am HERE for it. When you're ready, I'm here for you. I want to help you, too. I want you to feel this amazing, and experience this level of freedom. I want to share it with everyone I know. It's too good to keep to myself. 

Six Months on OPTAVIA - MyJourneyToAHealthyMe.com


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Progress Update - Almost 6 months

For two years, I was completely confident that I was so different, so special, with such unique and weird food issues, that this program wouldn't work for me. I straight up told my friend (who is now my coach) that it wasn't going to work and I wasn't going to do it...and I didn't say that just once, I said it repeatedly for two years. 

By October of 2020, I hit a point where I had nothing else to lose by trying this program. I was following my own special elimination diet. I was feeling like crap from nearly every food I ate. I was so sure that this program wouldn't work, that I twisted it around in my mind and thought it would be one more thing to add to my list of failures (up there with whole30, keto, WW, intermittent fasting, dairy free, gluten free, soy free, low carb, pescatarian, blah blah blah) and say "yep, that didn't work for me". 

I told my coach I'd commit to it for a month (but really, I was thinking two weeks in my head). I gave it two weeks at 100% expecting ZERO results, expecting to fail. I convinced myself I had to give it my all, and then when I failed it was because the program didn't work, not because I didn't follow the program (it was that twisted in my head).

I started program on October 12, 2020. By October 15, I knew this was different. Three full days and I knew this program was going to change my life. Turns out I'm not special. I'm not unique. I'm not the one person it doesn't work for. This program works for 100% of the people, 100% of the time, if you commit to it 100%. It's not a magic drug, pill or potion - it's real food, and a real shift in mindset, and it WORKS. 

All it took was me being desperate enough to try one more thing to feel better. I didn't care about the number on the scale - I cared about feeling better. I cared about eating food again. I cared about my clothes fitting properly.

I found my hope on this program. I found myself. I want that for you too. Let me help you find your hope. Let me help you find yourself. It's worth it.

This is about being HEALTHY. I’m not gonna talk to you about “summer bodies” or whatever, because I think that’s crap. Your body is your body no matter the season. 

I am going to talk to you about how I finally got to the point where I feel so good on the inside, the outside doesn’t matter. Yes, I am loving buying new clothes. I am also loving being able to do things physically that I couldn’t do before (cross my legs comfortably, run and chase my kids, play hopscotch and not want to keel over, curl my legs up under me in a chair, etc), but all of that is secondary to this immense feeling of happiness and excitement, and the ability to feel so friggin good, that I’ve been able to dream again. Not short term wishy washy ideas, but big, exciting, amazing goals for myself and my future. When I say this program changed my life, I mean it changed ME. Now that I’m feeling more like myself, my life is changing - and I couldn’t be happier about it. It’s wild and wonderful to have dreams & know they’re possible and achievable.

When you’re ready to dream again, let me know - I’ll share everything I have learned, and we can enjoy this journey together.


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Not A Diet #NotADiet

Someone made a comment to me yesterday about how I can say I'm not on a diet, when I've lost almost 60 lbs in 5 months. I've been thinking about it a lot. 

In the true sense of the word, your diet is simply the food that you eat. But it also can mean a special kind of food or restricting the foods you eat in order to lose weight. That form of "diet" implies a lot of yo-yo-like ups and downs, with some form or food restrictions and being either "on a diet" or "off my diet" and "cheat days".

I wasn't healthy. I had to lose weight to get healthier. My body was suffering, my sleep was suffering, my energy was lacking, and I was on a very dangerous path with the potential complications from obesity. 

I *knew* I needed to do something to become healthier, but *nothing* was working - and it wasn't for lack of trying. 

This program forced me to face some hard truths about my nutrition. I now eat 6 times a day, and I don't skip meals. I don't ever go longer than 3 hours without eating. I drink 100oz+ of water each day. I am eating real food - no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives. I am learning portion sizes. I am not taking a wild assortment of supplements anymore (talk about throwing my body out of whack). I have balanced my nutrition with the exact right combination of macros (and I don't even have to think about or track it!). In fact, I almost never even think about food - I don't stress about it, and I don't feel restricted. 

As a result, my inflammation has decreased. My sleep has drastically improved. My energy is through the roof and I'm not feeling that afternoon slump. I created healthy habits for my schedule, and start my day with a morning routine, and wind down with an evening routine - every single day. I've reduced my time on electronic devices. My whole life has changed, because I finally feel hope for myself, hope for my health, hope for my future. 


I stopped caring what other people think, because my health affects ME. I don't want to waste my time (or my health) on programs that restrict foods forever - whether it be eliminating certain types of food, or limiting when you can eat. Been there, done that, it didn't work. I made a choice to utilize this program to learn the habits of health, which translate to lifelong transformation - not just for my food and nutrition, but for every aspect of my life. 

If you have questions, don't be ashamed to reach out and talk to me. I won't pressure you, and there's no harm in learning more. Don't make assumptions based on google or whatever random stuff you see online - talk to me, I've done the program, I've seen the results, and I feel so strongly about the health benefits of it, I committed to share it with others. 

These habits are not a diet, but an entire upheaval to my nutrition. I can make healthy choices, or I can choose to intentionally make a not-so-healthy choice (and identify it as such), but I know how to navigate back to the healthy choices - and as long as I am making those choices intentionally, I know I am good! This program has been a total makeover of my mindset. 



I choose ME.

Not A Diet - Diet vs. Health

Thursday, December 31, 2020

When Eat Healthy + Exercise ≠ Healthy Body/Weight

I feel like for years I’ve been doing ALL THE THINGS to get healthy, and yet I kept running into a wall. I’ve gained and lost the same 10-20 pounds countless times in the last few years. 

I was following the formula. I knew what to do. Eat healthy + exercise = healthy body/weight. It should have worked. 

But it didn’t. 

I spent a lot of time listening to my body to determine what foods hurt and what didn’t. I forgot to find the foods that helped.

When eating healthy + exercise ≠ healthy body/weight, even when I was doing everything “right”, I told myself I must not be trying hard enough, and to keep trying. I worked out at ridiculous-dark-o’clock every morning. I cut some foods out of my diet, and added others. I ate less (then more). I tried intermittent fasting. I bought all the vitamins and supplements to try to feel better and feel healthy. I was sleeping like crap, exhausted, and barely surviving on caffeine. 

It wasn’t working. NOTHING was working. I kept hitting that wall. I needed a new formula. I found it in October. I am going into the new year more than 40 pounds lighter and feeling a million times better than just 2.5 months ago. I FEEL AMAZING and I WANT THIS for all my friends who have not only struggled with their health, but are also doing the mental gymnastics to simply keep your head above water. I would love to help you find your health!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Post-Holiday Weekend Exhaustion?

How are you feeling after the holiday weekend? Are you tired and exhausted and worn out from all the holiday excitement? Did you take a nap? Did the stress and chaos give you a headache? Are you rejuvenated and ready to go today?

I used to *need* a strong kick of caffeine just to get through the day - that afternoon slump around 3pm was awful. When I had several busy and/or stressful days in a row, I’d tell myself I earned a nap - and then I would prioritize that nap on weekends. I have never had a lot of luck with sleeping in (so I’m always up around the same time every day), but for a long time (years!) I would wake in the middle of the night, and lay in bed for an hour or more trying to fall back asleep. No matter when I went to bed, I wasn’t getting enough sleep. That constant cycle of being tired, and needing caffeine, and then being even more tired, and then getting a headache from being so tired, was…exhausting. 

I didn’t even know it was possible to break that cycle…but I did! I changed my diet. I prioritized myself. I am sleeping solidly and soundly 8-9 hours a night (yes, for real!) now. I take Natural Vitality Calm, a powdered form of magnesium, at bedtime and I swear it helps with my sleep. I haven’t had a headache in months. 

Look at my eyes in these pictures. There’s no filters on them. Look how tired I am in the photo on the left, with circles under my eyes. I wasn’t healthy! My sleep wasn’t healthy! I was so bloated and inflamed! 

Look at me on the right - awake, alert, and I feel like my eyes are brighter and clearer. It’s not just about surviving each day, it’s about living each day. Join me in living each day, I would love to share this program with you and help you feel amazing and get the good sleep too!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas on Optavia

I love cooking and baking. I especially love the tradition I have with my children to bake holiday cookies - peanut butter blossoms, cut-out sugar cookies with frosting, snickerdoodles, oatmeal chocolate chip, and sometimes even more. We bake everything dairy-free, and often gluten-free also, and it is something we all enjoy. 

I'm not going to lie, it was REALLY difficult this year to not taste-test the batter (especially the oatmeal chocolate chip batter) or the cookies (the peanut butter blossoms are my favorite!) but I asked myself one simple question and it helped me refocus: "What do I want more - that cookie, that I already know how it tastes (and honestly, it's probably not as good as I'm imagining it to be), OR to keep feeling amazing and not destroy my stomach by eating foods it isn't used to?" The answer was simple at that point. Maybe some day it won't be simple, but this year, it was easy to choose ME over the cookies. It was easy to put myself first, and break that habit, and remind myself it was things like those cookies that got me to where I was in the first place. There is a time and place for choosing to indulge in a sweet treat, but I am not at that time nor that place right now, and I made a very conscious and intentional choice to NOT taste-test the sweets this year. 

But what about dinner? 

I know there are tons of ways to create Optavia-compliant holiday meals and side dishes. Several are listed here. Much like Thanksgiving, I just don't have the same sentimental attachment to holiday foods that a lot of people seem to have. I don't need the meat and cheesy side dishes. As a kid, I would only eat mashed potatoes (no gravy) and pumpkin pie and cookies. 

I know a lot of people make the conscious choice to go off-plan for the holidays, to splurge a little bit, or take small tastes of foods that they would normally not eat while following Optavia. All of that is fine, especially when it is an intentional decision. 

So what did I eat?

I had my five Fuelings - I added a dash of nutmeg to a creamy vanilla shake and it was delicious! - and I ate seafood and spaghetti squash, with salad, for my Lean and Green. It was yummy, it was filling, and it kept me in Fat-Burn!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Tale of Two Dresses

I bought the dress on the right to wear for an event a few years ago. I loved it - the material, the fit, the way the bottom hem looks. When I got home though, it was a little too snug to wear comfortably. I called all over town looking for another store with the same dress in a bigger size - found it - and went and bought it. That's the dress on the left. I don't have many occasions to get dressed up (especially this year), but I last wore the larger size dress to a Roaring 20s party last December, and absolutely loved being dressed up and out with my friends and felt good in what I was wearing (despite hiding behind a shawl). 

I tried on dresses last night so my daughter and I could take silly pictures in front of the tree (you've seen the pics from the 50s and 60s floating around of women decked out posing with their trees, right?) and the larger size dress was falling off me, so I tried on the smaller size, and that's what I'm wearing in the picture. It actually has too much room in it now, but I still love the material and the way the dress flares, and that's the dress my daughter chose for me to wear last night for our silly pictures because she likes the hem too. 

So, I'm officially retiring the dress on the left, and probably need to retire the dress on the right too, and buy myself some new fancy clothes for the off-chance of getting dressed up and going out someday ever again. If you're like me and have a closet full of clothes you hold on to, on the off chance of maybe possibly fitting into them again someday, let me help you get your someday sooner rather than later. It took me 2 years to decide to commit to this program, and choose myself and my health; don't wait as long as I did. Give yourself the gift of health this holiday season. I'd love to celebrate you fitting into your "someday" clothes in a few weeks!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Sugar inflammation and low glycemic foods

 I've been reading more and more about how sugar affects the body, and how low-glycemic foods, like the foods on the program I'm following, benefit the body and reduce inflammation. I really feel like this was the missing piece on my path to being healthy. 

I spent nearly the past two years trying to sort out what foods bothered me. I was following a pretty strict elimination diet, basically ovo-pesco vegetarian eating gluten free, dairy free, peanut free, mostly soy free, plus avoiding a bunch of random stuff (artificial sweeteners, canola oil, apples, beer, most wine, mushrooms, black beans, yeast, celery, and probably some other stuff I forgot about). I spent over a year carefully adding things back into my diet and noting my body’s reaction. At the same time, I gained 20ish pounds, and my weight would fluctuate 10 lbs at any time (sometimes even within a day or two 🤯). I gave my gut time to heal while I was following the elimination diet and figuring out what I could and couldn't eat, but I was still having random flare ups of bloating and other gut problems. 

When I started this program, something clicked in my body. The low glycemic foods seemed to be the key. I could suddenly tolerate - in limited quantities - foods I had been avoiding because they made me bloated (gluten in particular), AND the bloating and inflammation was going away, which resulted in my clothes fitting better and the not-unwelcome effect of weight loss (which has resulted in basically a new wardrobe).

I am now eating a low-glycemic, healthy, well balanced diet full of all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients my body needs. I am building healthy habits, like eating every 2.5-3 hours to maintain my blood sugar levels, and reducing the number of empty carbohydrates and added sugars I eat to help stabilize the sugar levels in my body. 

I am so happy I started this program, and I'd be happy to share it with anyone who can relate to what I've been through. 

P.S. Recommendations are for adult women to have no more than 25g of added sugar each day. Men can have up to 36g of added sugar. 

One 12 oz can of soda has 39g of sugar. Coffee drinks aren't better.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving and Optavia

 I love cooking and baking. I love it so much, I spent the day baking five pies, cooking different side dishes, and enjoying being in the kitchen. 

I know there are tons of ways to create Optavia-compliant holiday meals and side dishes. Several are listed here. I just don't have the same sentimental attachment to holiday foods that a lot of people seem to have. As a kid, I would only eat mashed potatoes (no gravy) and pumpkin pie. 

I know a lot of people make the conscious choice to go off-plan for the holidays, to splurge a little bit, or take small tastes of foods that they would normally not eat while following Optavia. All of that is fine, especially when it is an intentional decision. 

I chose to remain on plan today. I didn't even lick my fingers (well, there's COVID to thank for that restraint also!) but I did not have a single lick or taste or bite of something that wasn't one of my Fuelings or my Lean and Green. Honestly, I didn't even really consider not staying on plan. Turkey doesn't like me, and I prefer to not feel like crap from eating foods that don't like my body. 

What did I make? 

My daughter and I made vegetable quiche for breakfast. She is dairy free, so everything we made today is dairy-free. 

We made a loaf of bread.

We made FIVE pies - three pumpkin pies, one apple crumb pie, and one pecan pie. (We have 4.5 pies leftover)

We made sweet potato casserole, and garlic mashed potatoes. 

We made bacon-wrapped scallops. 

We made candied pecans. 

There was stuffing, and turkey, and cranberry sauce, and rolls, and deviled eggs. 

There was a lot of food here. I'm sure all of it tasted delicious. We have a lot of leftovers (apparently I don't know how to cook for just my family - we could have easily fed 15 people with the food we have). 

So what did I eat?

I made myself a salad, with avocado and seared scallops and a drizzle of Walden Farms French dressing. 

And you know what? Scallops with salad and avocado is one of my all-time favorite meals, and I was perfectly happy and content to eat it today. It was delicious! 

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving meals!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Lean and Green - Scallop Stacks

 Today I adapted a recipe for Shrimp Stacks for my Lean and Green, and it was delicious! I cooked 1.25 cups of cauliflower rice, diced .25 cups of cucumber (3 servings of my green), mashed 3 oz of avocado (2 servings of healthy fat), and cooked 7 oz of scallops (1 serving of leanest). Then I layered the cucumber, avocado, scallop, and rice, in that order, in a small measuring cup (1/4c and 1/3c both worked) and flipped the cup over onto a plate, tapped the bottom, and had a really amazing looking scallop stack on my plate! I topped with a tiny bit of Walden Farms chipotle mayo (1 condiment). You could top with 1T of soy sauce (1 condiment), or 1 tsp sesame seeds (1 condiment), or another creamy spicy sauce (check nutrition info and amounts) as well. 

The original recipe calls for shrimp, but this would easily work with any seafood - tiny bay scallops would be good also, but so would sushi-grade salmon or tuna (in the proper amounts). 

This satisfied my sushi craving too!

Scallops Stack Lean and Green
Scallops Stack Lean and Green

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Getting Enough Water on Optavia

 Optavia recommends drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. My coach recommends 100 ounces of water. 

I've always drank a lot of water each day. I keep a 30 oz insulated stainless steel tumbler with me at home, and I drink from a stainless steel straw, which I think makes it easier to drink more for some weird reason. I'm home most of the days, so this works for me, because with my tumbler and straw, I don't have to worry about it spilling or tipping over just moving around the house.

I try to drink a full tumbler of water before I do anything in the morning, and that helps me get started off on the right foot with my water for the day. 

I keep a 90 oz tempered glass water pitcher at home to track my water each day. I refill it every morning and just leave it on my counter. I refill my tumbler with ice throughout the day, so I'm actually getting more than the 90oz in the pitcher when the ice melts, and it has been amazing to keep up with my water intake. This is the pitcher I have, and it has a stainless steel lid that can filter out infusions if I want to add fresh cucumber or lime or lemon to my water for a little bit of flavor.

If I'm not at home, my water containers are HydroFlask (I particularly like the lightweight ones) and I alternate which one I use and the lid/cap based on what I'm doing. They have different options, so it's easy to pick and choose what's best for the day - a cafe style lid if I'll be in the car, or a loop cap if I'll be out walking or hiking. I don't like plastic or silicone so I am very mindful of that for myself.

I've seen big plastic jugs that mark how much water is in them too, that would be helpful if you're out and about and need something to track it. The 3L or 1gal jugs of water at the grocery store are also helpful to keep on track with water consumption if you're out and about or traveling by car. 

Drinking this much water each day can deplete your electrolytes, so if you ever feel slightly off, I highly recommend drinking some Ultima Replenisher Electrolyte Hydration Powder mixed with water, or something else like Powerade Zero. It usually helps me immediately. Of course, if it is happening often, please consult your doctor!

What other tips do you have for getting in enough water each day? 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Optavia and my MUST-HAVE appliances/tools

One of the great things about Optavia is that you don't need anything special to prepare the Fuelings, besides a microwave and the blender bottle that comes in your kit. HOWEVER, we all know that there are some tools or appliances that can make your Fuelings a little more exciting, a little more fun, and a little more tasty!

Here are some of my must-have appliances and tools for preparing my Fuelings. Please know these links are to Amazon, and I definitely encourage you to shop around to find the best price! https://amzn.to/46kPlqm

I also created a handy dandy Amazon list of my favorite items. YES - you can find them in local stores, sometimes at better prices (sometimes not). You can add them to your own cart from this list for quick and easy purchasing though! 

Some of my must-have appliances and tools for OPTAVIA Fuelings

Dash Mini Waffle Maker is awesome at preparing Fuelings. I love to do the brownie, smashed potatoes, biscuit, and oatmeal in the Waffle Maker. It comes in different colors, and some of them even make the waffles into shapes (pineapple! snowflake! heart!)

Note: Here are the guidelines I follow when preparing my Fuelings in the Dash. Some are the same as the package, some are slightly different amounts of water. Nothing is quite so disappointing as scraping a failed Fueling out of the waffle maker and still eating it because you're determined not to waste a Fueling :) 

Dash Mini Griddle is amazing for the Chocolate Chip Cookies! It gets them perfectly crisp on the outside, and soft and gooey on the inside - the exact way I like cookies. I also use it when I need extra protein, to cook an egg - it's super quick and easy, and much faster than using my normal cast iron on my stove top.

If you don't already have a personal blender, I highly suggest getting one. I like the Ninja brand, this is the model I have in the current version. I like the individual cups the best, and they make your Optavia shakes super yummy if you blend them with ice and water (or cold brew coffee if you're feeling adventurous). There are tons of options for personal blenders, so be sure to choose something that is powerful enough to blend ice. Because my home blender is too big for travel, I also have a small Hamilton Beach personal blender that I keep in its box for when I'm out of town overnight or for the weekend. It is small enough to easily pack, and although it isn't as powerful, it does the job. 

My next suggestion is a frother. There are SO MANY CHOICES, but this is the handheld frother I bought and it has worked well. I don't use it often, but sometimes if I don't want to blend my shake, or use the shaker bottle, this does an excellent job of mixing it up with the water and it's super yummy - it seems like it makes it creamier, if that's possible. I also use it to mix up the Hot Chocolate Fueling with a little bit of cold water, before pouring the hot water into the mug - it seems to make it even creamier and more delicious!

I also suggest a mini whisk if you don't already have one. Mine is Pampered Chef, but you can find them anywhere. I often use a fork to mix up my fuelings, but the whisk is handy to have around. 

I couldn't resist picking up a little cast iron skillet either - I love it for baking the brownie or chocolate chip cookie, if I'm not using the Dash. It turns out so yummy! Follow the directions for baking on the Fueling packet, or shorten the baking time a little bit if you want it slightly gooey. 

My final recommendation is to get a good insulated container. I love my insulated Klean Kanteen Food Canister. I will often prepare soups or pastas (as directed on the package) when I'm making a different fueling, transfer it to the insulated container, and let it sit on the counter until my next fueling time. It really softens up the pastas and noodles. I've also made the soup by adding the Fueling packet to the insulated container, pouring boiling water over it, and then closing the lid and letting it sit for 2-3 hours. 

What other appliances or tools are you using for your Fuelings? Let me know in the comments!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dash Mini Waffle Maker/Griddle + OPTAVIA Fuelings Guide

General directions to prepare Fuelings in the Dash Mini Waffle Maker or Dash Mini Griddle:
  • Mix Fueling and mix-ins well
  • Plug in Dash Mini Waffle Maker (to make a waffle) or Dash Mini Griddle (to make a "pancake") and wait for light to go off
  • Spray both sides of Dash with nonstick spray BEFORE MAKING EACH WAFFLE/PANCAKE
  • When the Dash stops steaming, or the steam significantly slows down, open to check for done-ness
  • If you're pre-making Fuelings, you can store them in the freezer and then reheat in toaster oven or microwave
  • Note: Some people use egg whites instead of water. I do not do that because I don't like to alter the Fuelings and have to track what I add to deduct from my daily Lean and Green
  • I generally try to add just enough water to make the Fueling like a batter or thin dough. Too watery, and it will overrun. 
Optavia Oatmeal Fueling made in the Dash Mini Waffle Maker

Fueling and Mix-In Guide:
  • 2 Tbsp water + Fueling = 1 waffle/pancake 
    • Brownie 
    • Biscuits
    • Chocolate Chip Cookie 
    • Cream Cheese Swirl Cake 
  • 3 Tbsp water + Fueling = 1 waffle/pancake
    • Sweet Potatoes
  • 3 Tbsp water + Fueling = 2 waffle/pancake
    • Pancake
    • Shakes
    • Smoothies
  • 4 Tbsp water + Fueling = 2 waffles/pancakes
    • Smashed Potatoes
    • Oatmeal
  • Prepare/cook as directed on packet with slightly less water = 1 waffle/pancake
    • Mac and Cheese (make sure it's thicker than normal)

What other Fuelings have you made in the Dash? Let us know how you prepared it! 

Easy and Filling Lean and Green - Shrimp and Salad

Those asking what I eat...this was my big meal yesterday for my Lean and Green, and it was delicious. 😋 Lettuce (2c), broccoli (0.5c), avocado (3oz), shrimp (7oz), and dressing (2T). And let me just tell you, 7oz of shrimp is A LOT OF SHRIMP! It took me ten mins start to finish to cook the shrimp and get the salad together, and that was the most time intensive thing I ate yesterday. 

The best part about this program is that it’s ridiculously easy to follow. I eat six times a day, five small easy and quick meals or snacks, and one bigger meal. It has basically taken the planning and prep work of food out of my life. Before, I was skipping meals or snacking on something easy (and unhealthy) because I didn’t have time to do anything more, then overeating when I did eat. You guys, I am so happy I found this health program. It’s changing my life. Did I mention it’s basically foolproof? Follow the guidelines, see the results. If you are relating to anything I’ve said, please, let’s talk and see if this program might benefit you too. It’s too good and too easy to not share.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Optavia 5&1 Plan Tips - How to be successful on Optavia!

 Here are some tips I figured out over the past month, since I started the Optavia 5&1 Plan. If you're brand new to Optavia, or considering Optavia, or just getting started on Optavia, see this post for additional information

I had a few people ask about buying some of the products I use - here is a handy dandy Amazon list of my favorite items. YES - you can find them in local stores, sometimes at better prices (sometimes not). You can add them to your own cart for quick and easy purchasing though! 

  • Eat what you're supposed to eat EVERY SINGLE DAY. 5 Fuelings. 1 Lean and Green. Water.
  • I don't "hack" the fuelings. I prepare them as instructed, and eat them. Some of the fuelings I will cook in the Dash Waffle Maker (see my tips on how to prepare Fuelings in the Dash!) instead of the microwave (the biscuit, pancakes, mashed potatoes in particular) but I'm not trying to make it more complicated for myself by adding in parts of my Lean and Green throughout the day. It is SO much simpler for me to eat five fuelings and one full Lean and Green every day. 
    • Okay, there is one thing I hack every once in a while - I will mix 4 oz of cold brew coffee with 4 oz of water, a few ice cubes, and a shake, and then blend in my single-serve blender. I don't drink coffee daily, so it's not an every-day thing, but every so often I like to do this. 
  • If you don't really care for the taste of a fueling at first, set it aside for a week and come back to it. Your tastes will change. You might find that something you didn't really care for, is suddenly super tasty. Part of this program is the mental process to view food as fuel, not as comfort. 
  • DRINK YOUR WATER. I bought a new pitcher that holds 90 oz of water, and I refill from that every day. A lot of people recommend the big jugs on Amazon that hold a gallon of water, and have lines marked up the side with times, so you know how much to drink in different blocks of time. 
  • I have alarms set on my phone for 8 am, 10:30 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm, 6 pm, and 8:30 pm. That's every two and a half hours, which gives me a few minutes leeway if I need it to prep something. Five of those times are for fuelings, and one is for my Lean and Green.
    • I don't always eat my Lean and Green at the same time, because my schedule doesn't work that way. 
    • Make sure you're eating the proper amount of healthy fats for your Lean and Green! I am happy to work with you to help figure this out as needed. 
    • Don't forget to count your Condiments!
  • Some of the fuelings (the chicken noodle soup, the mac n cheese, and the pasta in particular) I will cook according to the directions, and then transfer to an insulated container to sit until my next fueling. This softens up the noodles and thickens up the sauce a bit, and makes it super yummy. 
  • Invest in a kitchen food scale that measures to the ounce. I use it EVERY DAY to weigh out my greens, healthy fats and protein. This is the one I have used for the past 5+ years, and it's only about $10. 
  • Document everything you eat and when you eat it. At first I was getting confused on my times and fuelings. I tracked my first 30 days in my OPTAVIA Guide (it comes with your initial fuelings order, and helps you work on the mental stuff - so don't skip over this!) and I also tracked in an app on my phone called Lose It. 
  • I have an Apple Watch, so I track my sleep at night. You can go back and see my posts on how much my sleep has improved - it's really incredible. This is probably my favorite "side effect" of the program.
  • I love the Ultima electrolyte replacements. You can find them on Amazon or at some health-food stores, or directly through their website. You can have up to 3 servings per day. I buy the little packets because it's easy, but they also sell tubs that you can scoop from. Some people prefer Powerade Zero but I really like the Ultima and they're super portable - just mix a packet with a 16 oz bottle of water and you're good to go. 
    • If you have a headache, or feel dizzy, or anything like that - your body is probably not used to all the water, and you will NEED the electrolyte replacement to help balance out, especially at first. Don't skip this! 
  • I also take Natural Calm (the powder, not the gummies or capsules!) every night at bed. The raspberry lemon is my favorite flavor. I was already taking this before I started Optavia - because just about everyone is deficient in magnesium! - but I make sure now I don't skip it at night. 
    • To prepare it, I boil water, and add 1-1.5 tsp of Natural Calm to a cup, then pour just a few ounces of boiling water over and stir. It will fizz, so stir until it's done fizzing and the powder dissolves. Then I add 4 ounces or so of cold water, mix again, and drink. 
  • I weigh myself every morning before I get dressed. 
    • I also use the app Happy Scale to see my progress. I like this app because it shows progress as trends and doesn't focus on the daily ups and downs as much as the overall trends. 
    • I set mini goals within the app, so I can feel good about hitting smaller goals on my way to bigger goals. 
  • Keep a fueling or two on you - in your purse or bag, in your car, whatever. There is no excuse to not be prepared! You don't want to find yourself stuck somewhere when it's time to eat, and realize you don't have anything handy. 
  • Similarly, you can totally follow this program while traveling. It is SO EASY to pack your fuelings and be prepared. Plan ahead. 
  • Take pictures! TRUST ME! You will want to see your progress. 
  • If you feel like crap during the first few days, it's normal. Read back over my posts from Days 2-5 or so. Your body is adjusting to a whole new schedule and new foods, and (again) IT IS NORMAL TO FEEL CRAPPY. The best thing you can do is power through it - stick to the program, and it will pass in a day or two or three. 
    • You'll also probably be gassy at first. Again, this is NORMAL. Your body will adjust!
    • After those first few days of feeling like crap, you'll be in what we call "Fat Burn" and you'll feel AMAZING. Your energy will skyrocket, you'll be sleeping better, and you'll feel better all around. 
  • Chill out on the exercise. Let your body adjust to this program. Give yourself three weeks, and do nothing but light walking for thirty minutes a day, at most. Then work with your coach on adding more strenuous exercise back in if you wish. 
  • Give yourself grace. This is a lifelong health program, and your whole outlook on food and on life is going to change. You will be a different person inside and out. Just follow the program!
    • USE YOUR LIFEBOOK! It should be part of your kit (I hope you ordered it!) and it is SO helpful at breaking down habits and helping you really assess yourself and grow. 
  • As for cheating...if you "cheat" on the program, you're going to push yourself out of fat burn. It will take you 3-4 days to get back to fat burn. That's approximately $40 worth of fuelings. Is it worth it? Sometimes your answer might be yes, but make sure it is intentional. 
    • I don't like calling it cheating. The only person who is affected if you choose to go off program, is you. I ask myself, "Is eating/drinking this going to help me reach my health goals?" and if the answer is NO, then I set it aside and give myself 30 minutes to think about it. I drink a cup of water. If 30 minutes later I come back to it and decide I do actually want to eat/drink it, I ask myself "What is eating/drinking this going to do for me? Will I feel better?" and then allow myself to make a choice. I have not yet encountered anything that passes this test. The books call this STOP. CHOOSE. CHALLENGE. 
  • I have three apps I keep on my phone and use daily - I list those here (LoseIt, HappyScale, EatWise): http://www.myjourneytoahealthyme.com/2021/02/recommended-apps.html
This program is AMAZING. Reach out anytime to me with questions. If I'm not your coach, please reach out to your coach for support and advice. I am always available on social media or by text - my contact information is in the side bar of my page. 


This program WORKS if you follow it. YOU are the one in control. YOU are strong and capable and YOU CAN DO THIS. 


I had a few people ask about buying some of the products I use - here is a handy dandy Amazon list of my favorite items. YES - you can find them in local stores, sometimes at better prices (sometimes not). You can add them to your own cart for quick and easy purchasing though! 

If you have tips to add, please leave a comment below! 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Optavia Day 8 - 10/19/20 - WEIGH IN

 Today I started Week 2 of Optavia. 

First things first - I weighed in after finishing my first full week:

I lost 11.7 pounds! 

HOLY SMOKES! I can't even believe it. I started last Monday and I was super bloated so I'm sure that played a part in it, but WOW. Even with going to the mountains and being gone for almost 2 days and I still had this huge success my first week. I love it! 

I also looked at my sleep tracker on my watch and check this out. 

Deep Sleep

Quality Sleep

Sleep Rating

And that sleep rating is even with a night in a hotel room while traveling. I still can't believe how ridiculously easy this program is to follow. I kinda love it! Yay Optavia! 

Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

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